1. B. Andrews, X. Chen, J. McCoy, and H. Fang, Expansion of co-compact convex
spacelike hypersurfaces in Minkowski space by their curvature, Indiana University
Mathematics Journal. 64 (2015), 635-662.
2. H. Fang and X. Huang, Flattening a non-degenerate CR singular point of real
codimension two, Geom. Funct. Anal. 28 (2018), no. 2, 289-333.
3. H. Fang, X. Huang and M. Xiao, Volume-preserving maps between Hermitian
symmetric spaces of compact type, Advances in Mathematics, 360 (2020), 106885.
4. H. Fang, A geometric criterion for prescribing residues and some applications,
arXiv:1808.00780, accepted by Annales de l'institut Fourier.
5. H. Fang, Canonical blow-ups of Grassmann manifolds, arxiv:2007.06200, 141 pages.